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Sustainability sometimes seems like an enormous challenge. An insurmountable hurdle. A burden.

We are here to change that. 


Every organization is unique. Therefore, we use a number of tools to first understand how you work, what your priorities are, and which vision and goals you have to make sure the methods we use most effectively support you and your organization. We are also aware that time is your most valuable resource. Therefore, we have developed various services from which you can choose, including sustainability packages, dedicated sustainability managers for your organization and single services like analyses or workshops.

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New challenges cannot be solved with old approaches. Therefore, we have developed our own workshop, strategy development and stakeholder management techniques, which build on co-creation and design thinking methods, as well as simulations and scenario techniques. With our experienced moderators and innovative methods, we can include very diverse stakeholders in the development process, which helps your organization to anticipate future developments and be prepared for what the future may hold.


We believe that change requires excellent research of challenges and opportunities, risks, costs, benefits, and impact. Therefore, we have spent a lot of energy into developing concrete tools to calculate the sustainability and circularity of products, services, and organizations, as well as cost-benefit ratios and general market analyses. Through our close connection with the world's best universities and research institutes, our tools are cutting edge and allow you to put actions into numbers and vice versa.

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Digitalization holds massive opportunities for sustainability. Through smarter services and products, enormous resources can be saved, knowledge and skills can be shared, and international cooperation be facilitated. At the same time, recent crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic have shown that many of us are not fully utilizing their sustainability and digitalization potential yet. That is why we are here to provide our expertise and experience in the field. We support organizations of all sizes and sectors to help them transition to digital and sustainable structures, processes, and products at the same time.


An important element in transitioning to sustainability that is often overlooked, is the human component. New technology holds great potential, but only if we use it well. We focus on enabling everyone who seeks to take action by equipping them with the necessary skills and tools. Whether they seek to adopt more sustainable lifestyles, create their own startups or start a social movement - we offer a broad range of workshops, trainings, and conferences to facilitate concrete action. Some examples are our trainings on changing personal habits or productivity techniques for individuals, such as deep work, and teams, such as SCRUM.

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With the right technique and perspective, sustainability becomes an opportunity.


Our methods are meant to support you the entire route. 

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